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Guidance, strategies and insights for your successful transition to AI-powered underwriting

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June 27, 2024
In a survey conducted by Accenture and The Institutes - personal, commercial, specialty and reinsurance underwriters reported 40- 45% of their workday was spent on tasks “not core to the underwriter’s role.”  

Important as this figure is to recruiting and retaining the best underwriting talent, it directly addresses bigger challenges facing insurers that are under intense pressure to:  

  • Increase productivity, expand analysis and improve operational efficiency
  • Build and develop vital relationships with brokers and their clients  
  • Win business and drive revenue.

Deployed effectively, Digital Coworkers and other innovations in AI for Underwriting are essential to competing in today’s middle- and large insurance markets.  

During this 60min roundtable discussion, our expert panel discussed the present state of insurance underwriting to offer insights, guidance, use cases and strategies for helping underwriting leaders:

  • Identify areas of the underwriting process that are key drivers of inefficiency and downstream revenue loss
  • Highlight AI tools and implementation best-practices that insurers are using today to create underwriting success
  • Explore future growth opportunities made possible by AI for underwriting
  • Evaluate all factors of the “build or buy” dilemma for implementing AI for underwriting

If your business’ underwriting teams are using AI or are you are considering automation to solve your underwriting challenges, we encourage you to make time for this event.  

Please use the form to watch the on-demand roundtable discussion.

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  • Sed mattis ipsum vitae turpis laoreet condimentum
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Cras vel leo mattis viverra tellus eget vestibulum est

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Join our expert panel

Jennifer Krawec
Head of Global Risk Solutions Incubation
Liberty Mutual Insurance

Jennifer Krawec entered the insurance industry in high school at an Allstate office. After graduating from Harvard, she gained management consulting experience at McKinsey before returning to the insurance sector with Liberty Mutual.

At Beazley, Jennifer spent 11 years enhancing operational functions in the specialty insurance sector. In 2023, she returned to Liberty to lead Global Risk Solutions Incubation at Solaria Labs, focusing on identifying, exploring, incubating, and scaling innovative programs in collaboration with business and technology partners.

Sean O'Neill
Senior Partner
Bain & Company

Sean O'Neill is a partner in Bain’s Financial Services practice, leading the global insurance sector. With over 20 years of management consulting, he helps senior leaders address their biggest opportunities and challenges.

His work over the last three decades has covered all aspects of the P&C, Life and Insurance Services sectors with a specific focus helping clients work through multi-faceted transformations of their businesses involving organization, people, process, and technology changes.

John Cottongim
CTO & Co-founder
Roots Automation

As CTO, John is responsible for product development and customer implementation at Roots Automation. Before Roots Automation, John led the Enterprise Automation Hub of Mars, Inc. and had a 15+ year career in large-scale global transformation programs. He’s also helped two Fortune 500 companies build cognitive automation programs and scaled out the companies’ process automation capabilities.


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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


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