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Reduce claims leakage and improve operational agility with Automation & AI - join our webinar to find out how.

Watch the on-demand recording

Chris Gayner
May 12, 2023

Over the past 2 years, US insurers have enjoyed steadily increasing Premiums and top-line growth as a result of inflation and market volatility.

However, the increasing severity and volume of claims - driving up leakage - erodes profitability and gains from these high premiums. Additionally, rising costs of materials, components and wages is compounding the problem - forcing insurers to seek new solutions to reduce leakage, improve agility and build resilient claims operations.

"Insurance carriers are under constant pressure to augment claims processing with new technologies [such as Automation and AI] and ways of working that can increase accuracy, efficiency, productivity and critically cost.

However, most Chief Claims Officers stressed that such [technology] enhancements are unlikely to do much good if their claims units don’t integrate them productively or understand when and how to use them effectively." Deloitte

Claims leaders face a tough decision - upskill the existing workforce or seek solutions that can augment them.

During this 60 min roundtable discussion we will:

  • Offer insights into the uses of Automation and AI in Insurance generally, and claims specifically
  • Discuss how leaders are injecting tools like RPA, Intelligent Document Processing, Computer Vision & Natural Language Processing into their claims processes
  • Offer real-world success stories in using Automation and AI to improve efficiency, reduce cost and dramatically transform Claims processes
  • Share a brief demonstration of a Digital Coworker, utilizing Automation and AI to complete a complex yet very common task in the Claims Management process.

Please use the form to watch the on-demand recording from the discussion.

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Join our expert panel

Andrea Buhl
President - Managed Care

Strategic leader of innovative, state of the art medical cost containment solutions which improve the health care process for consumers, payers, and providers. Results proven, skillful generator of revenue and margin growth, organically and through successful acquisition.

Kenneth Saldanha
Senior Managing Director

Kenneth leads Accenture’s global insurance practice, guiding integration of digital, analytics, experience design and workforce solutions, and driving large-scale transformations that help clients reduce structural costs and grow revenue. With his deep understanding of insurance industry economics and market dynamics, he is uniquely positioned to help insurers navigate the challenges of both disruption and convergence with adjacent industries, such as travel, health and freight & logistics.

Chaz Perera
CEO & Co-founder
Roots Automation

Chaz is responsible for business development, finance, and customer success.​ In his nearly 20-year career since graduating from Villanova University, Chaz has launched new products, grown global businesses, and helped companies save money by leveraging data science, robotics, and AI.​ He’s led teams with thousands of employees, at one point leading a team of 7,000 people across 50 countries. Before founding Roots Automation, Chaz was the Chief Transformation Officer and Head of Global Business Services for AIG, Inc.​

Chris Gayner
VP of Marketing (Moderator)
Roots Automation

Chris is responsible for Brand, communications and growing Roots Automation’s presence in the U.S and global market. Chris brings nearly two decades of experience in Strategy, Innovation and Marketing leadership roles spanning Global Services and Technology organizations in Europe and the United States. Additionally, Chris has held senior positions at Genfour (acquired by Accenture), Symphony Ventures (acquired by SYKES) and SYKES Digital (Acquired by SITEL).


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