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Harnessing unstructured data across Insurance

Chaz Perera
September 17, 2024

Dear Reader,

John and I are delighted that Roots Automation has secured $22.2M in Series B funding.

Please find the full press release here.

I want to begin by recognizing the people and institutions that have empowered our vision, helping it to gestate and grow into a company serving more than 35 insurance organizations across the US. Because of your continued effort and support, these organizations now rely on our products to deliver superior service and care to thousands of policyholders.

So, to our customers, investors, team members past and present, family and friends: thank you!

Throughout my insurance career, I’ve met and worked with remarkable professionals who are steadfast in their devotion to the well-being of their policyholders and the public at large.  

Despite this, it's common for people outside our industry to view insurance as a “grudge purchase”—something they’re compelled to have but don’t necessarily want.

This view becomes more deeply engrained when the inevitable happens—an event leading to an insurance claim. An already high-stress situation is further complicated by the insurance company’s need for large volumes of information to make an effective decision, while the policyholder just wants to get back on their feet as quickly and easily as possible.

This perception is evidenced in industry-wide NPS scores ranging between 35 and 42 during the last two full calendar years.  

Providing exceptional service and satisfying insurance customers’ needs while balancing what’s right for the insurance company requires time, capacity and focus—all of which are rarely afforded to people across the industry who are overburdened by manually reviewing complex insurance documents to extract actionable decision data.

Up to this point, many problematic data analysis tasks have involved searching through documents containing hundreds of pages. Extracting the most valuable insights from this glut of information is the proverbial “finding needles in haystacks” situation.  

Solving this challenge is the fundamental reason Roots Automation exists: to liberate underwriters and claims adjusters from time-consuming tasks that take them away from engaging with policyholders by accurately identifying and surfacing the critical information they need precisely when needed.  

Our ability to quickly and accurately read, extract and act on unstructured emails, faxes and snail mail enables our customers to reduce errors contributing to revenue leakage and increase focus on customer engagement and trust-building—the real engine of improving NPS scores, gaining brand loyalty and growing a business.

As we look to 2025 and beyond, the Roots team is excited by the opportunities this new funding will unlock.  

We will use this infusion of capital to expand the knowledge and understanding of our industry-leading AI into new insurance use cases to improve our customers' operating performance.

We will invest in our team and their professional growth by striving to solve increasingly complex insurance workflows that require bleeding-edge technology like agentic AI to drive better decision-making.

We will expand how we engage and empower our customers by investing in our current go-to-market and customer-facing teams and establishing new partner and channel alliances that enable customers to generate value faster through our AI.

Ultimately, insurance businesses succeed by providing outstanding protection and service to policyholders. This is made possible by underwriters and claims specialists who prioritize productive engagements that help customers “win” with better insurance products and exceptional customer experiences.

We are proud to play our part in that evolution.

Again, thank you for the opportunity to serve the industry and push the boundaries on where AI can make good on the fundamental promise of insurance.


Chaz Perera  

Co-founder & CEO

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  • Sed mattis ipsum vitae turpis laoreet condimentum
  • Sed orci erat, rhoncus efficitur eros a, sollicitudin commodo tortor
  • Sed accumsan ex viverra est tincidunt bibendum a non nulla curabitur eget ligula mauris
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  • Maecenas viverra turpis vitae eros tempus porttitor nulla tempor nunc eros, eu elementum arcu dapibus a etiam a tristique metus.

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